Ginger’s Tale (2020)
The story begins with the good, but poor Potter, who once finds Flint, a magical artifact that makes its owner rich, but instead sends a death curse. Potter can be saved only by the dedication of the main character – a girl named Twinkle. Without hesitation, she rushes to the rescue of a friend, helping him to understand that love and honest work are more important than money and power.
Konstantin Shchekin
Natalya Tereshkova, Edgard Zapashnyy, Petr Kovrizhnykh, Irina Yakovleva, Sergey Burunov, Yury Askarov, Aleksandr Oleshko, Alexey Elistratov, Nikita Prozorovsky, Oleg Esenin, Oleg Forostenko, Anastasiya Lapina, Vasiliy Mishchenko, Alexey Voytyuk, Vladimir Voytyuk, Konstantin Karasik, Vasily Dakhnenko, Yelena Shulman, Ekaterina Nosik, Anastasiya Zharkova, Lyudmila Gnilova, Stanislav Strelkov